Event Info
The Larados:
The LaRaDos (a.k.a. The Larry & Ray Duo) are a musical duo that features
the v...
7:30pm - 9:00pm Doors at: 6:30pm
Event Description
The LaRaDos (a.k.a. The Larry & Ray Duo) are a musical duo that features
the vocals and keyboard playing of Larry Guthrie with the saxophone
stylings, vocals and guitar playing of Ray Titiryn along with backing tracks
created entirely by the 2 players in their home studios. Both members of the
group are journeymen musicians and have played throughout Western
Canada and the USA. Ray & Larry have played together for over 25 years
and are former members of the popular Edmonton group "The Nomads"
who were featured guests on several occasions with the Edmonton and
Calgary Symphony Orchestras. The LaRaDos play a variety of styles,
including Rhythm & Blues, Rock & Roll, Classic Instrumentals and Ballads
with an emphasis on vocals, great Saxophone playing and listenability. This
is a reunion gig for the duo who are looking forward to performing for their
many fans who can be found all around Canada and the USA. They have
dubbed this as their "Happiness Concert" - Music from the bright side for
serious times.
The LaRaDos (Larry & Ray Duo) - LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL
The LaRaDos STOP! In The Name Of Love
The LaRaDos (The Larry & Ray Duo) - HARLEM NOCTURNE
You can donate directly to the musicians and this venue at ArtsOnView.ca/Donate
753 View Street
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub