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AudiO OsmosiS Fundrive Edition WITH: Dead Malls

Sun. March 12th 2017 CFUV 101.9 FM By Donation

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Event Info

AudiO OsmosiS Fundrive Edition WITH: Dead Malls

It's that time of year where my job is to gather donations for our killer radio ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. March 12th 2017 + Add to Calendar CFUV 101.9 FM (All Ages)
5:00pm - 6:00pm By Donation


Dead Malls

Presented by:

Audio Osmosis
Victoria BC
CFUV 101.9 FM
University of Victoria SUB RMB006 Victoria, BC Victoria BC
since 1984

Event Description

It's that time of year where my job is to gather donations for our killer radio station CFUV 101.9 FM.

I've been a programmer on CFUV now for what seems like forever, I'm thinking 5+ years at this point but probs longer. Before I was a programmer, I was a fan and a CFUV sponser.

This year we have really awesome swag starting at the $25 donation level. More info about that can be found here http://cfuv.uvic.ca/cms/?page_id=4011

You can also prepledge on our website or wait til my show March 12th at 5-6PM to drop the dolla bills!!! I'll be really stoked cause it's hard work getting money from you folks. We appreciate even the smallest donations. I'll take whatever. If you see me around town and want to donate $5, I'll take it!!

This year we were encouraged to have live performers on our shows and I chose one my best bud Kee's projects Dead Malls. You might also know him from THE BACKHOMES. DM is Kee's more droney experimental take on music. Super rad stuff!! You'll be trip'n out in no time while digging in you pockets to figure out how much money you're gonna throw at the station. We'll take it!!

Ttune in via your radio at CFUV 101.9FM or online via http://cfuv.streamon.fm/

Funds raised go towards supporting the upkeep and operations of the radio station, which includes things like new equipment purchases, repairs, and growing web and technology costs among other expenses associated with operating a FM radio station.

Thanks in advance for at least considering a donation. You're supporting an amazing community asset. We love you for it!!


CFUV 101.9 FM
University of Victoria SUB RMB006 Victoria, BC Victoria BC
since 1984

Event Poster

AudiO OsmosiS Fundrive Edition WITH: Dead Malls @ CFUV 101.9 FM  Mar 12 2017 - Dec 19th @ CFUV 101.9 FM

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