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Audio Growth Featuring bsd.u: BSD.U, Overgrowth, Yung Gunn

Fri. July 29th 2016 Vinyl Envy By Donation

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Event Info

Audio Growth Featuring bsd.u: BSD.U, Overgrowth, Yung Gunn

Audio Growth is a collaborative project. Audio Death Ray (http://www.braideng...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. July 29th 2016 + Add to Calendar Vinyl Envy (All Ages)
8:00pm - 12:00am  Doors at: 8:00pm By Donation


Soul from Victoria BC
since circa 2015
Yung Gunn

Presented by:

Vinyl Envy
since 2015

Event Description

Audio Growth is a collaborative project.

Audio Death Ray (http://www.braidengunn.com/)
Overgrowth (http://www.overgrowth.ca/)


bsd.u (https://soundcloud.com/bsdu)

Occurring on the last Friday of every month!

This show aims to widen the listeners musical palate through unique song selection and conversation starting visuals. In addition to that the event will be filmed and streamed online, so smile for the camera, wave to mom, and then check yourself out in the video later!

Come on down to hear some new music, browse through records and make a friend or two. The DJs will occasionally be spinning records from the shop's collection so make sure to check it out after it has been played if you hear something you like. You can expect to hear an abundance of different genres mixed throughout the night!

Vinyl Envy (https://www.facebook.com/vinylenvycom/)
1717 Quadra Street, Victoria
Friday July 29th 2016
8:00pm - 12:00pm
All Ages
Entry by Donation

Streaming Live at Chew.tv

And as always make sure to...


Vinyl Envy
1717 Quadra Street
since 2015

Event Poster

Audio Growth Featuring bsd.u: BSD.U, Overgrowth, Yung Gunn @ Vinyl Envy Jul 29 2016 - Dec 19th @ Vinyl Envy

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