Event Description
Revolving around Truvy’s Beauty Parlour in a small parish in modern-day Louisiana, STEEL MAGNOLIAS is the story of a close-knit circle of friends whose lives come together there. Filled with humour and heartbreak, these “Steel Magnolias” make us laugh and cry as the realities of their lives in tiny Chiquapin Parish unfold.
Located at St. Luke’s Hall, 3821 Cedar Hill Cross Road
Friday, July 11 (7 – 10 pm) and Saturday, July 12 (1 – 4 pm) • Callbacks may be Tuesday, July 15 (7 – 10 pm)
No appointments are necessary, just show up at the start time.
All characters have southern accents. Anyone considering auditioning for a part, must be able to carry a southern US accent
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