Looking For Trouble May 14, 2006
Our thanks goes out to Daryl Rose who wanted to send in some images but didn't have a scanner so he shot the pictures with a digital camera and sent them in that way. It's real easy to send in copies of images you've been wanting to share so do it yourself or call a friend with a camera and a computer and give everyone a chance to see what you've got.
Balloting for who goes into Victoria's Rock & Roll, Music Hall of Fame for 2006 begins this Sunday. 100 musicians randomly selected will receive their ballots by e mail and will have until 11:59pm June 10, 2006 to send it in. There will also be questions asking for your input on how to make our little history lesson that much better.
Todays gallery addition: Trouble Boys
Todays gallery update: Twisted Minds
Have you ordered your Pharaohs or Holy Smoke documentary yet? Just $19.99 each including outtakes, vintage footage and more. Get yours today by logging on to www.lazarus-productions.com, click on the"Contact" icon and tell them how many you want.