What The Hey November 15, 2009
Todays picture comes courtesy of Mike Pretty via his son David Pretty and shows Bill Heybroek playing tenor saxophone (L) with Buddy Glover on clarinet (R). Buddy had to give it up though because wind was coming out of his nose, then took up piano. This follows along with our update, a program guide from The Club Tango on Oak Bay Avenue in the early 60's for an "Allstar Jazz Night". Our thanks to Keith Nesbit who dug this up and a few more items from the "Pink Panther", coming in the next "What's New".
Todays gallery update: Club Tango Oak Bay (5 images)
and Buddy Glover ( todays picture )
How about a fall issue of "The Peace" our quarterly newsletter? If you'd like a copy, please make sure we have your e mail address and look for it in your inbox sometime in the next 48 hours.