Mayfair Mall Memories August 24, 2008
The year was 1965 and Mayfair Mall was in it's second year of operation. At that time it was a strip mall with Woodwards being the large chain store and having it's own building. Entertainment for the mall was always under the big clock tower in the middle of the mall's outdoor courtyard (Promenade). In August, there would be a Battle Of The Bands but before that, The Regents were booked in for a "Shoppers Promenade Concert & Modern Dancing" sharing the stage with personalities from the CHEK 6 "Noon Show" like Ida Clarkson and others. Take a peek back in todays updates.
Todays gallery updates: The Regents (2 Mayfair Mall Ads)
Yes it's true, tickets are on sale now for the Victoria Rock & Roll Music Hall of Fame, Sunday September 21, 2008 at Element in the Strathcona Hotel. Get your tickets at the hotel's front desk.