Victoria Conservatory of Music March 20, 2007
Originally built as the Metropolitan Methodist Church, todays picture of the Victoria Conservatory of Music was taken in 1921. It will serve as a backdrop for the announcement of the Victoria Rock & Roll, Music Hall of Fame inductees for 2007.
Most influential musician 1956 to 1959 - Bob Downey
Most influential band 1956 to 1959 - The Noblemen
Favourite musical venue 1956 to 1965 - Club Sirocco
Most influential musician 1960 to 1965 - Len Siemens
Most influential band 1960 to 1965 - Bobby Faulds & The Strangers/Canadian Strangers
Lifetime Achievement Award - David Foster
Most influential broadcaster 1956 to 1965 - Bob Aylward
Congratulations to all the inductees who will receive their official invitations in the mail by the end of March, 2007.
This years celebration will be held on Sunday, September 16, at the Central Bar & Grill. Don't forget the Hall of Fame is located on Wharf St. at the foot of Bastion Square
in Darcy's Pub. Check back for more information about tickets and their availability.