Your Kidding Me! October 7, 2006
It's no joke, after tallying up the list of musicians listed on the Royal City Music Project website, it's just over 1000 (give or take a few). Is this all of them between 1956 and 1985? We don't think so. Our thanks to Bob Cadwallader who has added about 30 musicians over the last couple of weeks and to Ron Attfield's never ending treasure trove of memories.
Todays band additions: Dixiecats & Dixieland Express (Band #'s 427 & 428)
Todays gallery updates: The Pharaohs
Todays gallery addition: Club 44
There are just 4 copies left of the Pharaohs DVD compilation. You can still order and have it delivered to your home by calling Steve at Lazarus Productions 250-380-1854 'cause once the're gone, the master goes back into the vault for a long time.