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Victoria Musician List
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Victoria Musician List
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Victoria Musician I have decided to start this list due to the support from the musicians on here. I am planning on having a list of victoria musicians arranged by Intsrument, location, stlye, etc. You must submit your name and contact info through the email address listed below, and must be willing to give me your phone number of course. I will then, through that quick call, veryify you exist, and place you on the list. I have the means and a way of distributing information to people who will in turn use to find you! This is totally free, and I guarantee your discretion.
18 and over ONLY please. Please email me with at least your first name and what you play. ALong with a contact number. That number you give me will be the number I give out, only after email confirmation. This is a total AMATEUR project. I have no experience in this, but i am an experienced musician who has a little ideal which i believe may work! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:41pm
User Info...
[email protected] - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 6:56pm
Anonymous Looking forward to using it! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:10pm
The Ref I'm in and good luck ya homo! Great idea as I've told ya many times! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:19pm
Anonymous What's the point of this list? - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:42pm
Victoria Musician
User Info...
The point of Victoria Musician List, as can be found in internet directories, is a one on one email between myself and those searching for musicians. Instead of answering one Ad, a person can answer my ad and recieve many results, once confirmed with musicians. It is a hassle free, and SLAGGING free way of getting a musician! - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 7:50pm
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Hey lemme know if you need help with that, I work with ASP and could whip up a great display system to run this list, i can even supply the webspace, then people can be added to this list and others seeking musicians can go to the site
and check it.

interested in my help?
[email protected] - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 4:48pm
Victoria Musician I dont want a chat section lol I am emailing you! - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 5:08pm
victoria musican
User Info...
Well then, seems this is getting off to an amazing start. Just from this one post, i have recieved more replies from ACTUAL musicans than i figured possible. I have recieved some co-operation in this project from another musican. Once was just a hands on approach, now there will be a website. This site will not have any chat rooms, or message boards, or any other means to having the "typical" posters provide their ummm "unique" opinions. Please provide a name, instrument, and contact number if interested. Please let me know what your age is (must be 18 and over) and as well as your style. This information, will then be only given out to 'seekers' through your confirmation. I feel this will be a very easy and no "bull" approach at finding other musicians. - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 5:15pm
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Also, can you list if your are eqipped, ready to play gigs, and other information you feel will help one decide - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 5:33pm
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yea great idea sign me up! - Wed, 18 Jun 2003 11:30pm
I came a callin' I came over to your house today and was about to knock on your door when I looked in the window and saw the milkman with his nuts in your mouth. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 12:44am
User Info...
Still, I gotta wonder what this ageism shit is.

I've known fine musicians under 19 who could likely play your ass off.

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 2:26pm
Victoria Musician
User Info...
Victoria Musician List has now amended its list to include minors. There will be denotation accordingly. The reason being for this "Age-ism" is based on the majority. I am sure there are also kids under 18 that can drink me under the table. This was purely a legal issue! Hey i was once 17 adn i was a rockin player! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 3:33pm
Anonymous In this town there are few 30+ year olds that can play, let alone underagers! The Words Shred & BC do not go together at all! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 3:48pm
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^^ troll

Hey, VicMus: You may want to familiarize yourself with MINORS around Page 15 of the following online document:

Gman - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 5:26pm
victoria musician
User Info...
I am not concern with liquor laws I AM NOT SELLING ALCOHOL, i am providing a service which involves Verbal COntracts and Written Contracts. Although these are very small and innsignificant contracts, there is still a service provided which RELIES on the iformation and agreements coming through., i am not concerned with Minors playing at bars, i amnot concerned with minors drinking their faces off. WHat i "was" concerned with was, DEALING WITH MINORS. Because as you must KNOW, a minor cannot leaglly enter into a contract without the consent of the legal guardian. Or i should say, A minor can enter into a contract, but as soon as there is a problem of any kind, the minor can back out. Case closed. So, my self, as an adult, chooses to work with adults only. Is that a problem? But you failed to read the above post, i guess. Thanks for your interest! Stop crying - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 6:12pm
anonymr. victoria musician
this started off sounding so great and now you're on your way to demonstrating a character that people are not going to want to work with. nowhere above did i see any mention of you being concerned with contractual law and minors. in fact, i've been following this thread and thought you were worried about minors playing in licensed areas as well so don't slag others if things aren't clear. there's nothing wrong with saying "im sorry you don't understand; let me rephrase..." - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 6:48pm
The Ref Cut him some slack. This is a new idea for him and I happen to know that he has been working very hard on it. This idea will help everyone network allot more efficiantly.

Perhaps between this, his many bands, instruments and day gig, he's a little stressed. Cut the man some slack! I'm sure that he's sorry! - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 8:28pm
gup All you under 18 weenies - hey, you can't be part of this. Go get a paper route or something. - Thu, 19 Jun 2003 9:28pm
victoria musician To the person posting saying I am going about this wrong, and starting to show characteristics, unwanted! Well, 5 or 6 post up, i have said there will be a minors section. This website will be very beneficial. Stop Crying - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 8:23am
User Info...
"This was purely a legal issue!"

Sorry - I didn't realize that by this you meant "relating to contractual law". Please excuse my ignorance.

Take it easy,
Gman - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 9:22am
anonymr. stop crying? very professional. i guess you didn't get the jist of my previous message. - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 3:56pm
Hell Tide This is a good idea. Lets make it happen team! Lets all shower together a team! C'mon! I'm serious. - Fri, 20 Jun 2003 7:03pm
Unbiased 3rd party And the winner is "Victoria Musician".

The jury finds you not guilty, case closed.

I think this is a great idea and I will be adding my name shortly.

K. - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 1:04pm
Anonymous The Milkman's nuts??? What's that all about???? - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 1:48pm
Island Farms Sounds like the crow had the Milkman's nuts in his mouth. THat's what I gather anyways. Why it would be posted here, who knows??? - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 2:37pm
Anonymous nahh the milkman thing wasn't for the crow it was for victoria musicians.I know the crow he'd fuckin' kill me!!! - Sat, 21 Jun 2003 6:28pm
User Info...
Hey, im working with Victoria Musician List on this project (the tech guy). The system is going to be soon up. This could be really great, just spread the word to people if you know any musicians.

if anyone has suggestions also lets hear em' now. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 3:25am
The Ref You might want to consider including Nanaimo. You should also have an experience meter. Something on a scale of 0 to 10 and 10+ (0 being no playing experience, 10 being 10 gigs or sessions, +10 being highly experienced) this lets others know the experience level of the prospective player. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 1:00pm
Smart like stick What a stupid idea. Or wait... probably pretty good for a neanderthal. - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 1:49pm
Anonymous 10 gigs ayear? or shall I be 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 6:32pm
Anonymous yeah that is pretty dumb ref. anyone can have 10 gigs. either way you are tryi9ng to make a science out of it. get a grip. shut the fuck up and not speak for once - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 7:02pm
Anonymous ahh the assholes have come out to play. turns out that they may use this idea so...Just trying to help out a good idea, no doubt none of you boobirds will be on this list and rightly so! kiss my grits and have a nice day yawl! - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 7:25pm
Anonymous Your mom has 10+ gigs down at the local ho house! What an asshole, sounded like a good idea to me! In this town, there are few and far between that have 1 gig, let alone 10+. Sounds like jelousy to me! Good idea lad! - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 7:27pm
Anonymous if you are up and running how do we access the site?? - Sun, 22 Jun 2003 9:03pm
Fools, the lot of ya Just go look under a toilet seat at the local shithouse. Oh wait... that's just were it belongs, not were it is. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:02am
Anonymous I agree, it's a stupid idea. It's obvious the guy couldn't lead a one man march to the shithouse..... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:12pm
wambulance chaser What a loser that last poster was! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 5:22pm
Anonymous Oh wait, a 2 man march..... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 6:07pm
victoria musician
User Info...
The website is being worked at very very hard, by crazylegsmc. It is at 50% i guess. This will be up very soon. Hey give us a break, we first started this LAST WEDNESDAY!!! It will be up and running for everyone to enjoy. An easy way to egt a musician without all this SLAGGING bull. !!!! Just that alot of changes to come up, since i dont know shit about comps, and thought it could be done exactly like i wanted it too!

PS: At first it was going to be a private only list. NOW, the member chooses whether or not he/she wants the music instantly accesible by others, or if they would want it to go through us first (eliminates slagging). - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 6:13pm
Anonymous Unforthinately there victoria musician guy, it's not the venue for posting, it's the people! Gonna get it anywhere you post. Even if you don't, halve the people or more will just post and never follow up or show up to an audition. Lotsa hot air in this town! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 9:50pm
Anonymous Yup, true enough, I have found that there are allot of talkers here but very few serious doers! It's too bad to cause it's such a great town.

Every band member is in twelve projects and most of them never take off! So they go back to talkin about it for ever and a day! Several months later, in twelve bands again and none of them take off! Back to talking about it again...etc... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 9:52pm
Anonymous Good idea there vic music but wrong town... - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 9:55pm
Victoria Musician There will be no feedback section at all!!! And if there are any no shows, i will delete from file TOO EASY! - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:40pm
Anonymous I flushed the toilet today and watched as the coiler went around and around, then down. Much like your "musicians" list. - Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:48pm
victoria musician list Saw the work today,,,,should be up in days - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 1:21am
SkullSplitter Victoria Musician:

*Not that you are*
But don't listen to these immature little bastards calling you and this awesome idea of yours down.

This is the most innovative idea I have yet to see posted anywhere on here, and if you are including a minors section and these kids still flame you... chances are, theres no way they could cut it with a real band anyhow...

I , like anyone else who is looking for likeminded musicians to jam with, have sent you a mail with my info, and definately am looking forward to seeing the turnout which im sure your new site will provide to the serious musicians out there...

The novelty of having someone else *aka. you, hehe* do all the leg work is prime, no to mention the bullshit free environment in which you are making *See my post for a perfect example of how the immature morons populating this board make it an undesirable place to look for other aspiring musicians*

Furthermore, I design video game levels, am expirenced with 2d and 3d art and animation etc. so if you don't allready have a graphic designer whos offered to create you a logo, or some other graphics etc. I'd be more than happy to do what I can for you in my spare time, you allready got my email so if you need any help just flip me a message!

Great idea once more, and all you kids in here need to give this guy some f'in slack, hes doing nothing but trying to help us all! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 1:52am
SkullSplitter Victoria Musician-
PS: If you'd like to see a website in which I have made which does have pictures of some of the game charecters I have created, and is riddled with my graphics just Email and ask, I'd just post it here but I dont need the children on here flaming the good people who who now reside there!

\m/ - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 2:04am
wambulance chaser waaaaaahhhhh hhhhgggg waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:09am
The Ref
User Info...
Saw the site today and it's great!!!!!! Good job you guys, simple, good looking and direct! Again, great job!!! I predict very high usage!!! Way to go my friend and congrates again on finding your perfect band mates, even if I am a bit jeleous! LOL! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 5:22pm
Anonymous How'd the rest of the shithouse look while you were there? - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 11:27pm
victoria musician
User Info...
Thanks REF, i am so stoked. Been with the band since 530 or so. Great band man, hey dude, dont be jealous! hehe I know you are..AWESOME SOUND EH!!!!! - Tue, 24 Jun 2003 11:37pm
coke_dealer chalk me up!!! but don't call my cell it's for business. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 2:53am
Posers Do any of you geeks actually play in any bands that actually play shows? I hear all this talk of "actual musicians" but it seems most of you guys are complete unknowns in the local music scene (and I'm not just talking the punk/metal scene).Maybe if some of you guys spent less time on your highhorse "I'm a real musician"rant and less time talking about it,limited your time to one band instead of 13 try-to-be bands, you tools might actually go somewhere wih this. - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 9:04am
Anonymous Wake up and smell the real world coffee there junior! Most musicians are unknowns! But you're right about the 13 band syndrom. People should try and concentrate on keeping just one together! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 9:52am
Anonymous Your welcome homophobe! - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 3:57pm
depressed I thought i was in a good band but just heard a recording from our last gig and realized its only a mediocre - Wed, 25 Jun 2003 5:27pm
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How close is the web site to being accessable? - Thu, 26 Jun 2003 2:42pm
The Ref
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It looked pretty good to me. Probably pretty close. End of the week but what do I know for sure??? - Thu, 26 Jun 2003 3:39pm
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Ok since im the one actually working on the site ill update everyone.

heres the low down, site design and construction is done. Registration is up and working. list system is working. all thats left for me to finish is a quick sorting system and and email system

VICTORIA'S MUSICIAN LIST will be open within one week at the very latest.

Keep an eye out for posters and flyers at long and mcquade, HMV, around town at music places. - Thu, 26 Jun 2003 8:08pm
User Info...
by the way Ref, and Mike, (the two who have seen the site) i didnt spend much time on the design of the site so if your not happy with it and think its too simple, lemme know. i can postpone the launch date and re-design the layout if ur not happy. email me sometime and lemme know. - Thu, 26 Jun 2003 8:12pm
The Ref
User Info...
Has nothing to do with me, that's his puppy entirely. I think that it looks great! Simple, easy to get around, great job CrazyLegs, great job! Have you gotten domain hosting yet. I was speaking with the man yesterday and he said that you guys were still waiting for domain host name? - Fri, 27 Jun 2003 9:42am
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oh I dont know, thats Mike's job, im the coding end of this project, ill leave the domain to him.

but it should be ready, i hope, by the time the sites up for launch. (which will be soon, made further progress last night)

thanx for yer patience everyone. itll be worth it. - Fri, 27 Jun 2003 1:11pm
The Ref
User Info...
Good luck to Mike and Sonic DoooooMMMM! - Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:09pm
chris p bacon
User Info...
chris here please call 250 217 7771 to add me to the list thanx - Mon, 30 Jun 2003 4:29pm
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