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Local guy bands sexist?
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Local guy bands sexist?
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Why is it that guy bands NEED and lust for a male lead vocalist? It is hardcore? It is really that original?
I'd love a response to this question. And if you interrested in have a Female lead vocals who has expierance and samples of her former bands please reply to me PERSONALLY [email protected] - Mon, 5 Nov 2007 3:30pm
Aidan Logins
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"Why is it that guy bands NEED and lust for a male lead vocalist?"

They don't.
There's probably sexist people out there no doubt. You might just not be what they're looking for. A band looking for a singer can audition 100 singers. and they'll only choose one. Chances are that 99 or 100 out of 100 will be males auditioning. If they turn you down, remember they also are turning down every male vocalist except one. It might be because they're sexist but usually not. - Mon, 5 Nov 2007 4:38pm
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Local or not local, there just aren't too many female lead bands altogether. Sure it's unoriginal, but alot of bands (not all) want to be in bands for all the girls, and usually, female vocalist, especially since the vocalist is usually lead, leading the group detracts from all the attention because there aren't too many female musicians in big bands. That being said, those bands usually, with all practicality, suck. Therefore most mixed or all female bands are usually better. That or even all male bands that play for the sake of the music they play are usually better than boy wants girl bands. Then with not too many female rock vocalists out there trying compared to males, so the odds aren't exactly great. :P Hope things work out well for you. - Mon, 5 Nov 2007 9:37pm
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What's wrong with being sexy? - Tue, 6 Nov 2007 9:24am
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"What's wrong with being sexy?"

she's talking about sexism. Otherwise, why aren't there nearly as many female vocalist? - Tue, 6 Nov 2007 4:45pm
Hang the DJ
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I personally don't like female vocals which is funny, unless they have a really unique or raw sound.

I'm not going to say anything else in regards to Rhea's post seeing as how I'm Ms.Annoying on the seeking page. - Tue, 6 Nov 2007 8:29pm
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I'm going to use that one the next time I don't get the gig because of my shitty playing! - Tue, 6 Nov 2007 8:34pm
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Has it crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe, you're not any good at what you're trying to do? I haven't met one person that will exclude someone for being a girl. I've been in more than one female fronted band and many others that have had female bassists/drummers etc.. It could just be that, though already posted, you're not what that band is looking for or you're simply just not very good at whatever you're auditioning for. If you don't get the gig, ask whoever turned you down why and work on it. - Tue, 6 Nov 2007 9:10pm
Dirk Diggler
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it's because girls have a hard time sounding raw and loud (most girls) and I have not seen a live band with a female singer that actually rocked the house! judging by the picture you posted of yourself, you want people to look at you more than hear you! - Wed, 7 Nov 2007 7:27am
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Hey, Id like to hear her sing, Rhea, can u post a link to some mp3's, or vids? - Wed, 7 Nov 2007 8:22am
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"it's because girls have a hard time sounding raw and loud (most girls) and I have not seen a live band with a female singer that actually rocked the house!"

Uhh, distillers, hole, even Jakalope rocks out pretty good live.

Listen to better music :P jk (except the part about the distillers, hole, and Jakalope) - Wed, 7 Nov 2007 6:36pm
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Melissa Etheridge, Janis Joplin, Lucinda Williams, Garbage, Hole, Sass Jordan all female singers that actually rock the house...
Need I say more?
BTW I think Rhea was asking why there are so many friggin' ads for male lead singers on this site...She didn't say she had tried out for bands and failed... - Wed, 7 Nov 2007 7:45pm
Wrecky Becky
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Rhea's right, there is so much discrimination on this island!
Pretty much all the bands I'm friends with are all male bands, and intend to keep it that way.
I asked the (male) lead singer of my boyfriends (all male) band if he would ever introduce a female, not just as a singer, but in the band in any way, and he said, "not unless they're naked in a cage, throwing fireballs into the crowd"
Aye.. - Wed, 7 Nov 2007 11:00pm
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I asked the (male) lead singer of my boyfriends (all male) band if he would ever introduce a female, not just as a singer, but in the band in any way, and he said, "not unless they're naked in a cage, throwing fireballs into the crowd"

Um...I fail to see the problem?? Cheers, Lucius - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 3:25pm
Aidan Logins
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"not unless they're naked in a cage, throwing fireballs into the crowd"

You know what's REALLY sexist though: I bet if you asked a hundred bands, a hundred of them would want naked chicks in cages throwing fireballs. But NONE of them would EVER let a MALE do that. ever.
Ever since I was a young boy all I wanted to do was be a cage dancer. with fireballs. In fact that would be my stage name: "Here's Fireballs!! wooo" And sexism has killed that dream. just cause I have male anatomy doesn't make me a bad dancer people. come on :( - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 3:53pm
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hehehe....will you wear a long black tail and cat ears in that cage?.... Just not gay or anything - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 4:05pm
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Fuck I love sexism. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 5:15pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"it's because girls have a hard time sounding raw and loud (most girls) and I have not seen a live band with a female singer that actually rocked the house!"

Dirk - ya gotta open those ears more, dude......Bunny (Tragic Mullato, Mudwimmin), Yoshimi (Boredoms), Selene (7 Year Bitch), Jen (Insult to Injury, Submission Hold), Zoe (Tard), Arish (Retard), Mel (Fuck the Facts) Silvia and Tanya (Fracas), Lori (Nuclear Death).......

And Mitch, do you think it's possible Kyle was being facetious?

When you say guy bands, Rhea, I take that to mean 'heavier' guy bands, in which case.....guys, for the most part, have deeper voices, which lends itself to the heavier stuff, which in turn makes these guy bands apparently need and lust for a male vocalist.

.....Am I missing something here? - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 5:20pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Yes I couldn't agree with you more, RB. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 5:22pm
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Kyle was actually quoting Spinal Tap, which despite the picture of Nigel Tufnel everyone seems to have missed. I appreciated it though. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 5:28pm
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When I was looking for a band eons ago, honestly, I found that there were a lot of all male bands that didn't mind me coming to check them out to see if it was a fit/"try out". And I ended up finding one that did fit. I think Victoria has a LOT of guys that are open to that but it's no biggie if they want to create a final product specific to their original vision. Heck, it's okay if they just don't want a female at their jam sessions, nothing to be offended about. Just keep looking and be patient.

That being said, I'm sure there are girl bands looking for only girls. So why should it be any different if a male band only wants a male. It has to do with the stlye of music they want and if they want the whole dynamic of having a female frontperson.

I've had more than one opportunity to be in an all male band. And was. Perhaps it's just timing. Maybe there is a personality flaw? Who knows! But a mere word of advice, if you're looking for a band, probably not the best idea to call all the guys in Victoria sexist ... JMHO ; )

EDITED TO SAY: also, why not post your links right here. What have you got to lose? - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 6:07pm Edited: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 6:15pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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/donning duncecap for my S.T. ignorance. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 6:15pm
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"Lori (Nuclear Death)" she fucking rules!!

add Runhild Gammelsaeter (aka Ozma) from Thorr's Hammer to that list for the all time most vicious and hottest female vocalist all in one. - Fri, 9 Nov 2007 12:33am
trevor corey
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Jesus hitch hiking Christ that's terrible. - Fri, 9 Nov 2007 11:22am
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I can't believe all this about female singers! Nobody could rock down the house like Grace Slick...and what about Tina Turner. The band I'm in now has 4...count 'em...4 females. Three vocalists and the keyboard player. The drums bass and guitar are all male.
But, we're not in Victoria, so maybe that's the difference. - Fri, 9 Nov 2007 12:02pm
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Female vocals are cool. just have to be in the right band i think

check out this chick led band... - Sun, 11 Nov 2007 8:20pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"But, we're not in Victoria, so maybe that's the difference."
"Rhea's right, there is so much discrimination on this island!"

O.k. - let's pull our heads out of asses, shall we, and realise how OBVIOUSLY FUCKING STUPID it is to come to the conclusion that ONLY the island suffers this "problem". Travel around a bit, ignoroids - you'll find this same "schism" EVERYWHERE, for fuck's sakes.

Like - DUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH, assholes. - Tue, 13 Nov 2007 8:01am
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Well....Duh, yourself yah dumb missed the point entirely. We're an Island band through and through, just a little north of Victoria. I'll spell it out for you... there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a female fronting a band, even if you already have a male voice fronting. They can sing just as well as a male singer..sometimes even better, just a slightly different pitch to it(which is natural). Get your head out of derriere and get with the program. Sexism should be a thing of the past. See general Chit-chat section, which is more appropriate to this than Seeking Musicians forum. - Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:50pm Edited: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 1:40pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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o.k., then....."killer".....

"I'll spell it out for you... there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a female fronting a band,."

Now where in the absolute fuck, you illiterate piece of shit, did I start dissing female fronted bands?
NOWHERE, asshole. I guess you didn't see my earlier post where I mentioned a whole shitload of cool bands with cool female vocalists, you fucking fuzznuts! (read the ENTIRE thread, ya fuckin' bozo)
Fuck the "general chitchat" section - you'll have to explain how the fuck on earth my previous post IN ANY WAY had any sexist references.
Good luck, fucktard. - Tue, 13 Nov 2007 5:30pm
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I'm gonna have to say that the idea of guy bands being sexist is bunk. My band started out with just me and another guy, but then we picked up a girl drummer. In fact, any band I have ever been in has had at least one girl in it. My advice to you Rhea is the same advice I took myself when I wanted to sing in a band, learn to play an instrument. You will look a lot more attractive (in a musical sense) if you can add something to the band besides your voice alone. I know a LOT of girls that can sing. I know significantly less girls who can sing and play, and most of the ones I do know along those lines are currently in bands.
As for the debate about front women being awesome, I gotta say, SOME front women are AMAZING. But then again, you have to have edge to your voice in order to work that. You don't see a lot of female fronted bands with girls that can just sing pretty. Why? Cuz those bands generally suck and just don't make it.
I guess I have said my piece... - Wed, 14 Nov 2007 2:47am Edited: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 2:48am
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To: Curmudgeon Rocker: Oooooo!!! aren't you the testy one. Having a little trouble expressing yourself without miles of mindless profanity?? We obviously feel the same way about female fronted bands, so get off your high horse and try expressing yourself in a civil manner. Besides, "seeking musicians" is not the forum for this totally mindless rant regarding female bands. Try going to "general chit chat" and leave this forum to people trying to form groups. - Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:10pm
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Ah? You folks read this right?

"please reply to me PERSONALLY". - Wed, 14 Nov 2007 1:01pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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But swearing and cussing is FUN, though! Anyway, we're trying out Krystal on bass - hopefully she'll work out and become Peruke's second girl bassist. - Wed, 14 Nov 2007 5:20pm
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Everyone just chill! Go smoke a fun log or something! - Wed, 14 Nov 2007 9:58pm
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you're all retarded except for mike. my band is metalcore thrash with a female power metal lead vocalist and it works very fucking well. like mike said, it has to be the right band, but it also has to be the right singer. there's too many bands out there like evanescence and lacuna coil that give the depiction that girls in metal bands suck, but nobody realizes that it's the whole band that makes them suck. - Thu, 15 Nov 2007 3:03pm
[email protected]
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You got a metalcore thrash band going with a female singin! awesome.. i am putting one together too. More Ambient though like Lacuna coil... Maybe some shit like In this moment. Dont know yet! Id like to see that thuogh brayden.. let me know when you have a show - Thu, 15 Nov 2007 3:15pm
Aidan Logins
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Portishead! and Morcheeba. Are good. and Pigface. Check out Pigface, lots of female vocals. - Thu, 15 Nov 2007 4:13pm
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The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, Aghast, Hexentanz ......

all with females being awesome - Thu, 15 Nov 2007 4:36pm
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'fuck the facts' slay, lady singer... i'm pretty sure 'hole' is the last band you wanna suggest if you're trying to get dudes to get some gals in their projects... - Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:51pm
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ya, What's wrong with being sexy? - Mon, 26 Nov 2007 7:26pm
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i dunno, i haven't had any trouble joining bands cause i'm a girl. it sucks if some people are sexist and won't let you in a band just because you're female, though. i wouldn't wanna be in a band with people like that anyways.
but yeah, some bands are just looking for a certain sound that certain singers can't achieve, and that often has nothing to do with whether you're a girl or not but sometimes a female voice doesn't fit a certain sound, and the same can be said for guy singers. - Wed, 28 Nov 2007 7:38pm
trevor corey
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Village People? - Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:33am
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Wow...I can't believe no one mentioned Arch Enemy. There are tons of European female singers used in Metal (some just for bit parts). I personally like female singers if they sound the part and I'd have no problems having a female singer if it worked with the project. I'm pretty picky with vocals in general so female or not the vocals need to sound good.

A lot of the more mainstream rock groups with female singers are doing well and I often prefer them to their whiny male counterparts. - Tue, 4 Dec 2007 2:18pm Edited: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 2:21pm
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