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Drummer/ bassist wanted for rock band
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Drummer/ bassist wanted for rock band
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kyle maxwell
User Info...
I'm 18 and I play rock music. Sabbath, Kyuss, Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Oasis, all sorts of stuff from (real) punk to 60's pop. There's too much to list here. I'm looking to put together a three piece with myself on guitar and vocals. I like to think I'm original. I just want to be in a solid, committed band to play shows. My place of residence is up in the air right now, so no phone calls please. My email address should show up somewhere on here. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:25pm
kyle maxwell
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By the way, this band will not be political in any way, just in case that matters. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:39pm
bryan wilde
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hey bud. it must feel soo good that you can try to insult someone over a computer. is it a good selfesteem booster? or is it because you have nothing better to do with your life? don't you think its a little immature, just a bit. kyle is trying to do something with his time and all that you do with your time is jack off from the excitement you get from insulting people. and there not even good insults eather. anyone can call some one a fag, gay, asshole, fuck head. do something constructive.

kyle i would love to play bass for you, i'll talk to you latter or something - Sat, 15 Jul 2006 2:44pm
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Who the fuck is Puddle of Mud? And what's the deal with this Nirvana thing? If you don't want to jam, don't reply to the fucking advert. Fuck. I don't want this to turn into another "Death rape wants you..." thread. Anonymous, go suck off a horse. And suffuckation, does your name refer to your practice of smothering yourself with a pillow while you have Anonymous' cock up your ass? I just want to find fucking band members. - Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:10pm Edited: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:10pm
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Fuck it. I give up. I'm just going to make myself seem like an asshole arguing with people. I'm going to ask nicely if only people who may be interested in jamming reply. There it is. Please and thank you. Anonymous has got a hate on for me, but please don't hamper my chances of finding other musicians dude. If you want to e-argue, there's another forum for that. I don't know if you're in a band or what, but please show some common courtesy. - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 1:11am
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No kidding, grow up people. - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 8:11am
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You've ruined the internet. - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 2:13pm
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No,........the internet still works. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 8:58pm
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Forget it. Thread's over. I found bandmates, so no one need reply. Thanks for coming out though. I'm glad this turned into a complete waste of a thread. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:57pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:57pm
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Anonymous, I doubt anyone in the "musician community" would even recognise me if they passed me on the street. On that note, why should I give a fuck what the "musician community" thinks of me? Isn't the only thing required to be a part of the "musician community" that you're a musician? Do YOU even play an instrument? What the fuck was the purpose of ruining this post? Does anyone actually know who you are? Fuck man, way make yourself seem like an asshole. I can't stand that shit. You went way out of line here bud. The purpose of this site is for local musicians to get together and find out about local music. That's all I was trying to do. Fuck. You piss me off so god damn much. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:22pm
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i guess now eveyrone will know what he looks like if they pass him on the street. And kyle, dont waste your time replying to these posts. The more you get mad and tell people that, the more they can use agents you - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:38am
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stop being a jerk to the guy! - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 1:32pm
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actually no - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 6:06pm
Hang the DJ
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'I don't want this to turn into another "Death rape wants you..." thread.'

I`m sorry, but it already has. Haha, that made me laugh though, thank you.

Hmm, there`s no point in saying anything such as 'okay only the people who are interested in this band reply' because of course it`s not gonna be that way.

Well man good luck with finding a band... and also, good luck with what the post may bring. Don`t listen to whoever insults you, it`s just over the computer, people go on message boards only to become their inner asshole... Pull out the jerk, the raging beast of message board madness... - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 4:06pm
Luke Iles
User Info...
"If your pipsqueak excuse of a hippie band ever gets a show I'll be there with a dozen rotten eggs to whip at you."

oh well get a show and at that show if i get hit with even one rotten egg ill fucking break your face open with my fist then rape your mother with the end of my drumstick?

deal ?

How about eveyone fucks off and leaves kyle alone , u may not like him but he is a fucking awesome guitar player , yes hes in love with kurt cobain .. but who cares, ppl that leave like 10 posts all basically saying the same thing is pretty lame anyone with that much time on there hands must not be a very good musician because all there time is spent on here beign a dick and playing with there undersized cocks

have a nice fucking day :)

luke - Sat, 29 Jul 2006 5:33pm
Luke Iles
User Info...
soo your telling me im a shitty drummer
HA HAHA HA i suppose u can do better uve never herd me play

and i have an idea
give me your fuckign adress ill come to your door to deliver the ass kicking ..or we cna meet down town ? - Sat, 29 Jul 2006 5:48pm
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Anonymous is a cowardly weenie who's still afraid to give up his real name. 'Nuff said. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 7:47pm
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First off, I'm in a terrible band, and I'm just horrible at playing guitar. There, I accept it, and I have nothing to do with the sad excuse of an argument above. However, I would just like to say to Anonymous and Suffuckation (oo, what a clever name. I'm in awe of your wordplay) that you are perhaps the most illiterate, obnoxious and just generally stupid people I have ever had the misfortune to stumble upon. You berate this poor lad, who is simply interested in forming a band, with a number of pathetically worded insults for no other reason than making yourselves feel better about your pathetic lives. I pity your parents, and any number of genetically malformed sprogs you might parent. I suppose I'll just sum up by saying shut the fuck up, get a life or, better yet, just crawl back into the fecal-covered, semen-drenched hole you were shat from. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:17pm
That's Great, Honey!
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That's Great, Honey! - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 2:56pm
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dude what was the point of all of this? jw...

Peace Spence - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 5:04pm
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Anonymous, are you even a musician? I mean, you seem to talk a lot of shit about other people’s music, but you don't seem to be sharing much of your own creativity. Are you afraid that people will have something to retaliate with?

Oh I get it you're just an alter ego? You've only been created to harass others on a forum designed to help people get together... on that note, isn't there any moderators on this site? How come these loser's profiles are still active?

Now Suffuckation... are you the same guy? Me thinks that might be true. Nice profile pic, by the way. If that's you, and no I don't really think it is, I wouldn't fuck you with my worst enemy's dick. You seem to be pretty liberal about dishing out the insults concerning how other people look, maybe you should change what you look like. Loser.

Which brings me back to... Where are all the moderators on this site? There is a time and place for this type of behavior. If they want to bitch at people for no other reason than to be dicks, then they should do it in a different forum. Like "Controversy and Quarantine."

I only come on here to get in touch with other musicians, not to be harassed by small-minded boys who think they are being whitty, when in fact they are just being anoying. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 7:38pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:02pm
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Aw, did I hurt your fealings? I think it's past your bed time. Where's your link to your music fuckstick... Oh I'm sorry you said you weren't an alter ego. You didn't say anything about being a musician. hmmm - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:12pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:15pm
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Wow, that was weak. You must be 12. I still don't see any music link, little boy. You seem to be all talk. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:47pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:49pm
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So, what you're saying is that your not really a musician. You just like to make people think you know what you're talking about. When all that's really happening is you're bitching about something you know nothing about. hmm Sounds like a poser to me. Keep playing that air guitar smart guy. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:08pm
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Let's get one thing straight.

You don't know me at all.

Don't even think for one second that I give a rats ass about what you think about the band I'm in. The point is, you don't even play an instrument, so what gives you the right to trash talk a band that is trying to get together and have fun.

Just cause you are envious/jelous of musicians, doesn't give you the right to call them down when they are doing something creative, when all you're doing is sitting on your ass, at your computer, bitching about things you know nothing about. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:26pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:33pm
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I really like how Anonymous ragged on Mat for spelling once teensy word wrong, when clearly Anonymous has never heard of two little miraculous things called spell-check, and capitalization. Even more amusing is Anonymous' insistence at regurgitating weaker-than-weak insults from the fucking South Park movie. Donkey raping shit eater? I say that from now on, Anonymous is Terrence, and Suffuckation is Philip. Sounds good to me. What a clever fellow Anonymous is. He's ALMOST witty enough to be Dubya's speech writer. Asshole. Oh, and Anonymous- it's called an apostrophe (as long as we're ragging on spelling). You + are = You're. See how easy that is? - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:34pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:36pm
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"has it ever occured to either of you that i am doing this to piss you off"

Wow, you are really stupid. Don't you realize that's what I've been saying? Here let me show you something from a previous post:

"Just cause you are envious/jelous of musicians, doesn't give you the right to call them down when they are doing something creative, when all you're doing is sitting on your ass, at your computer, bitching about things you know nothing about"

And just because you're a dumbass, I'm going to quote the real importnat part of the sentance;

"when all you're doing is sitting on your ass, at your computer, bitching about things you know nothing about" - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:54pm Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 9:55pm
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I wouldn't say I'm pissed off so much as mildly amused. I'm starting to look forward to reading what new and exciting insults you guys cook up. I do have to say though, if you're going to go out of your way to piss someone off, at least TRY to sound like an intellectual. Your insults are just plain stupid. "How is your mother?" That's fucking weak dude. And since you're adamant that you are in fact a musician, why not shed some light on the "band" you're supposedly a member of? It must be pretty fucking lame, seeing as you swear up and down you play an instrument, but haven't mentioned once what you play, or who you're in a band with. If you do actually know me, I'm really wondering how. And if you have actually heard me play (which you haven't- calling me a shitty singer/ guitarist was a dead giveaway) it must have been a long fucking time ago. Man you're a fucking lame-ass. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 10:01pm
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Getting your panties in a knot = playing right into his hand. He told you this already. Why do you keep posting every 10 minutes? - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 10:23pm
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The sad part is, I've heard Anonymous play your mom and he's the shittiest mom player I've ever heard. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 11:36pm
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"The sad part is, I've heard Anonymous play your mom and he's the shittiest mom player I've ever heard"

top 5 worst burns iv ever heard. Shame on you - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 12:06pm
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I used to play in a cliche nirvana band... its funny how you're going to so much trouble to put down this kid.. I don't get it myself.. whatever makes your balls feel bigger I guess... - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 4:38pm
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What the FUCK is with all this Nirvana shit? Suffuckation has no idea who the fuck I even am, yet STILL that seems to be a major theme with both him and Anonymous. No one wants to go see a Nirvana wanna-be play, least of all me. And come on, let's be honest- probably 90% of the people on these forums still listen to Nirvana at least semi-regularly. They're still playing every time you turn on the fucking radio. I bet Anonymous is probably a huge Billy Talent fan, or even worse, Greenday or fucking Three Days Grace or some shit like that. Or even better, I bet Suffuckation was wearing one of those dopey smiley-faced Nirvana t-shirts when he was writing his last reply. If you guys want to rag on me about the music I listen to, have at 'er. My favourite band is actually Oasis. I can't wait for you guys to sarcazz my ass about that one. I really don't fucking care. I listen to a lot of different music. It's alright to do that. That's the neat thing about being a REAL musician, Mr. Anonymous. I don't think you'd have many people show up if you put on a skin flute show. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 5:48pm
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I'm all for people not making fun of you but mentioning oasis is not the way to go about toning down this little mock fest. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 6:07pm
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It doesn't matter anymore. This is already way past the point of rediculous. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 6:30pm
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ah Kyuss.

check out Los natas or even a Canadian band called Preistess.Los natas is like Kyuss but alot more spanish and Preistess are like wolfmother but way fuckin better. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:43pm Edited: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:45pm
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Finally! Someone who isn't hellbent on being an asshole. Thanks monzza, I checked out Priestess and they're pretty bad ass. - Fri, 4 Aug 2006 12:22pm
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this sucks who cares. - Fri, 4 Aug 2006 6:23pm
Livevic Scott
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Suffuckation, can it or your done. I figured you'd get the point after having your posts deleted but apparently not. We let people get away with alot but this has gone past the point of stupid.

Tried to send you an email and it bounced back so put your proper email address in there or i'm deleting your account and banning your IP. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 11:37am
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