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Wanted: Best musicians in Victoria
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Wanted: Best musicians in Victoria
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You must be the best musician in your field. I need drums, bass, singer, and another guitar player. Must be able to make top 10 hit record in hardrock/metal genre. I hate practicing with a new band so you have to write these songs before I will play with you. Must be willing to be ordered around in an eroneous fashion with little back talk as well as splitting 25% of all earning amonst yourselves as I will take home 75% for a finders/managerial fee. I will join you on tour half way through but still get all the royalties etc... If this is you then e-mail me. Cheers Lucius - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 2:17pm
Rubber Box
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Sweet deal, will everyone get sodomized too? - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 2:31pm
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^Oh I forgot that part^. Also, I am not a very good player so you have to pretend I am the best guitar player you ever heard EVER! Cheers Lucius - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 2:41pm
curious george
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I am confused are you looking for others to play with or are you looking to manage a band... - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 3:11pm
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^Sure i can manage too^ But i don't work very hard so you may have to do your own booking. Cheers Lucius - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 3:29pm
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is this a joke? - Mon, 12 Dec 2005 4:15pm
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is this a joke?

^^Is that a joke???^^ - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:06pm
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good lucking finding anyone ha - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 1:14pm
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no its not a joke, answer my question - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 1:32pm
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Auditions will be held at 7:30 Saturday, DEC 17th. You must look and play excellent if you dont then everyone will laugh at you. Cheers Lucius

When: 730 Saturday, Dec 17th
Cost: Bring $50CDN to cover mangerial feels
Where: 756 Hillside Avenue
All instruments will be provided. Please dress according to the instrument you play.
RED: Drumers
Blue: Singers
White: Guitar players
Black: Bass - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 1:38pm
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people like you make me sick! what the fuck you doin' here anyway! I wanna fucking puke on your twisted idea! And whats this about you getting most of the cut and the rest get a quarter, thats real smart hey scrooge. and What the fuck, you make it sound like a job. you gotta be fucking kidding me... cant go out tonight, gotta show up at band practise and get paid while Im being ripped off in the end. Its a fucking group thing fucker! No ones gonna do your fucking little idea anyway, go fuck yourself! - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 1:49pm
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you gotta be fucking kidding me...

I'll let you think about that one for a minute. Cheers Lucius - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 2:04pm
curious george
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So are you available for casual jamming... - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 2:39pm
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So are you available for casual jamming...

Always, looking to meet and jam with new musicians. networking networking networking. - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 2:44pm
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You should charge way more for managerial fees dude. That way people take it more seriously! Heeheehoooo... - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 2:54pm
Rubber Box
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If I pass the audition will I get a cut of my $50 audition fee returned? Also, all my clothes are yellow, so can I just write in felt pen on the front of my shirt what instrument I play? - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 3:03pm
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Also, all my clothes are yellow, so can I just write in felt pen on the front of my shirt what instrument I play?

I think I just pee'd a little reading that. Cheers Lucius - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 3:22pm
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Lucius: good one.

I feel sorry for people without a sense of humour. Satire is a little too subtle for some people. - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 3:40pm
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Forget this being too subtle, I just think there is a hefty population of really dumb people who have sold their sense of humour in return for...well, alright, they're just really dumb. - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 3:52pm
The Box Drone
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Can/should multi-instrumentalists dress in rainbow, or tie-dye? - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 5:35pm
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Sweet jeezus...the idiot count is through the roof.

...I'm in. But I'm wearing purple. Cuz I'm gay... - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 6:51pm
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any restrictions on the color of shoes - I am pretty felxible with clothing but I am quite limited on shoe color and am concerned that it would cause people to laugh - also do you take travellers cheques? - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 7:47pm
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I'm pretty sure i'm the best towel boy in town, does that count for anything??? - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 7:58pm
Nik Olaz
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Thanks for taking down Napster and trying to get rid of tabbing websites man. - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 8:27pm
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ok, fucker, what you said made no sence. Go live in America, your idea of running a group sounds American. Anyone who agrees to your plans, are just as fucked as you! your ripping them off. they do all the work and you get the credit for it, ...Fuck you! - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:30pm
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Wow that nutboy is an angry dude! Here`s one i`d like to post, Drummer with more experience than you can shake a shit stck at, over 25 years grinding it out on the road, playing dingy bars, getting paid dick all, not looking for a band cuz i`m finally in a shit hot band. If I was looking I don`t like to practice, maybe once a week tops and i`m out of there at 9, I`ve got the chops but I`m lazy so all you`ll get is 4 on the floor, I don`t like to carry stuff and if you even want me It would cost you 100 bucks min,(cash) just to get me on stage, hows that? Oh I love the idea of people wearing the color code, what would a flute player wear? - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 5:55am
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hahahaha - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 7:28am
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So... this is nothing new in the music industry. I'm surprised that people are getting upset! Typically this guy is the exception rather than the rule b4ecause he's being honest about how he'll rip you off. I comend lucius for his candor and honesty. Lucius... you rock! Most people who network for other peoples creativity so that they might capitalize on their work are liars. They say ... hey I'd love to jam with you... they catch on to your original grooves... they never jam with you again... then about 3 months later you hear your original chops on the radio being released on some Butt heads CD... then you think to yourself ...didn't I play with that guy for 4 or 5 hours 4 or 5 months ago... you sure did and he picked up on your 'groove' and stole it because he lacks the creativity required to make up his own stuff.
Hail Lucius for being honest about his lack of creativity and his desire to capitalize on your efforts and rip you off at the same time. 25% is hardly a rip off considering if he stole your chops outright, recorded and released them publicly ... he wouldn't give you a dime!
I'll be there, Lucius... I'll be there... - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:06am
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Can/should multi-instrumentalists dress in rainbow, or tie-dye?
I can't beleive I forgot the multi-instumentalists. I better get off my peda stool and get to work. Cheers Lucius - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:08am
jaundice escariot
User Info...
Nutboy... get a sense of humor...holy fuck, man!
Lucius...pawned my '57 les paul so i could buy some teal overalls. i'll bring my washboard and wash-basin if you supply one quarter of the hooch! Rawk on, you are very star! - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:23am
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Hey Chris/ Nutboy (He and I go way back) - Mike Demers here - dude you are not getting that this whole entire line of messages has been created as a joke - your reaction would be totally understandable if in fact this was really happening but the address he gave is for the Long and McQuade store. Thta's why everyone is wanting you to chill cause they get the joke that you don't - Folks - take it easy on Nutboy - he just didnt get it! - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:32am
jaundice escariot
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check his post in "guitarist" sounds to me like he needs to smoke a spliff, man. a really big spliff - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 11:43am
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Lucius, I aplogise for my words, I didn't know. nieve on my part - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 12:56pm
jaundice escariot
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Nut... you're okay, man!
Lucius... i've only got these teal overalls and this briefcase full of American bearer bonds... can i come? - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 1:02pm
The Box Drone
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Oh yeah, and I realize that this project is Lucius' baby, but if I come on board I want my own Peda Stool... don't worry, I have one I can bring. - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 1:49pm
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Lucius, I aplogise for my words, I didn't know. nieve on my part
No apology necessary mate. Everyone has bad days now and again. Stay cool but don't freeze. Cheers Lucius - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 2:26pm
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I am the best drummer/guitarist/bassists/singer/DJer/glockenspielist/trianglist/keyboardist/cellist/violinist in town. But I refuse to join your band!!! I WON'T SELL OUT!!! - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 8:29pm
jaundice escariot
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hhmmm...peda stool. the imagery is so confused! i was known as "stoolfinger" for a while. what a world! - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 9:32pm
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I am the best drummer/guitarist/bassists/singer/DJer/glockenspielist/trianglist/keyboardist/cellist/violinist in town. But I refuse to join your band!!! I WON'T SELL OUT!!!

You will join my band because I have a shiney new quater in it for ya! Cheers Lucius - Wed, 14 Dec 2005 10:24pm
jaundice escariot
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so... who's going to Dayglos tomorrow? - Thu, 15 Dec 2005 11:16am
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DEAL!!!!!!! - Thu, 15 Dec 2005 2:23pm
jaundice escariot
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cool... more ale for stoolfinger. - Fri, 16 Dec 2005 5:31pm
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Lucius, I play a fucked up mean skin flute dude. Also, the triangle and kazoo. I want 50 percent or else fuck it. And royalties. - Fri, 16 Dec 2005 5:36pm
jaundice escariot
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"... I mean I've seen people suck before and these were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked." H. J. Simpson - Fri, 6 Jan 2006 1:24am
Isolation Ride
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"Best guitarist in the world" lives in Victoria." Tom Farrow". - Mon, 30 Jan 2006 7:02am
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Thanks dooker for finally pointing out that the address was L&M. I was wondering when someone would notice.

It's very true though about providing gear for auditions. There are people in the store all the time with no intentions of buying anything but spend hours on the V-Drums... for their daily "workout"... Every now and then you'll catch the drum guys mentioning that they'd like to make those things coin operated! Too funny - Mon, 30 Jan 2006 8:40pm
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Lucius man, I wondered if that was you! I shoulda recognized the humour but it was the 'stay cool but don't freeze' what gave you away. Wendy here, from our old place of employ, abe. hey are you actually looking for players.? I am.
Oh, good job on the satire by the way.. HIStearical! - Thu, 9 Feb 2006 8:42pm
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well I got the boot from my band and I'm really looking to sell out. I'm a wicked singer which only means one thing.... relaxed larinx.I can sing back up and hang out on the bus fluffing. All I need is 67% of the profits for my drug and alcohol problem. - Thu, 9 Feb 2006 11:18pm
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NUTBOY????????????? your joking right??

LUCIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should offer nutboy 30%
he'd probably think he pulled one over on ya!!

P.S. I got one of those little plastic wiggle's guitars and I'm pretty sure I'm the best wiggle's guitar player on the southern end of the island,,,,,,,,,,,,,when the batterie's aren't dead??

would I wear white for that?? - Sun, 12 Feb 2006 8:48pm
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