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Articles - Podcasts

At 90, Jerry Bryant's not feeling blue
Jerry Bryant celebration concert with the Island Big Band
Focus February 1967
Focus by Brad Nugent
Singer never forgot Victoria upbringing
Bobby Faulds would probably have loved his comeback gig at CFB Esquimalt this Saturday. Although he’ll only be there in spirit — the Edinburgh-born entertainer died Oct.
Take 4 in Alberni
Daily Colonist - Take Fours in Liverpool
Get Lucky with Tom Holliston!
I’ve always thought that someone should rhyme “Erik Estrada” with “vagina dentata” in a song, and it occurred to me, when I came late and awestruck to the solo output of songwriter and Nomeansno/Hanson Brothers guitarist Tom Holli...
Summer & The Sinners � Can�t Keep a Good Girl Down
Let me preface this review by saying I’ve known Summer since she was barely out of her teens and coming out to sit in or jam at various venues I was playing at around Victoria BC. I’ve watched her career with great interest and she has ...
Langford musician shares legendary link
Retired music teacher played in 1970s rock band Troyka

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Review: Canadian Guitarist West Coast Comerford happy to play blues
A story on west coast Canadian blues guitar man, West Coast Comerford. Comerford has played in many blues bands out of Victoria, including the Rockin' Devils, All Them Blues Band and Uncle Wiggly's Hot Shoes Blues Band. The piece was published on Digita
Author: Marcus Hondro
Published by: Digital Journal
from Vancouver BC
Dawg Honk
from Nanaimo BC
The Chancellers
from Nanaimo BC
Double Jack Orchestra
from Vancouver BC
Starvin' Marvin's
since 70s
since 70s

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